Ελληνικά Ελληνικά
Καλωσήρθατε στο Αντίγραφο
Antigrafo is a a pioneering effort of digital printings based in Agrinio and actively covers the Western Greece region. Antigrafo began in 1998 and develops continuously, following the progress of technology.
Antigrafo Copy Center for...

› Digital printings using Print on Demand

› Student dissertations

› Photocopies (Α4,Α3)

› Drawings

› Plotting

› Fax services

› Bookbindings

› Scanning


You will find all you want to us without the need to move elsewhere. The variety of our services, our even training to the international developments in digital printing as well as our equipment with tools and software of the latest technology deliver the most effective results.

For online order, click here.


We focus the most important possibilities in the area of printing as well as copying which is considered of equal importance to us.

Photocopies production, bookbindings, drawings scanning and printings are all basic services offered by our shop.

You can read more for our services here.